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Davis Access

0117 967 0811

Site Management Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS)

The CITB Site Management Safety Training Scheme, or SMSTS for short, is a health and safety course which is intended for project managers, site managers and senior supervisors, as well as proprietors of smaller companies and persons who are or are about to be responsible for planning, organising, monitoring, controlling and administering groups of staff and workforce.

The course aims to help to manage health and safety on site in accordance with current legal provisions, and within the context of their management or supervisory role develop an understanding of responsibilities and accountability for site health, safety and welfare, and recognise a safe site is efficient, economical and productive.

At the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Implement all health, safety, welfare and environmental legislation affecting your daily work
  • Implement new guidance and industry best practice
  • State your duties and responsibilities with regards to health, safety, welfare and the environment
CourseExperienceCourse DurationDelegates per CourseAge Requirement
SMSTS Any Experience 5 Day Minimum of 6 - Maximum of 20 16

Successful candidates are awarded a CITB SMSTS certificate, valid for 5 years.


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